Marry My Husband OST (내 남편과 결혼해줘 OST) es la banda sonora original del drama televisivo de tvN Marry My Husband. Presenta a Lyn, Vincent Blue, Car, the garden, Kim So Yeon, Kelly McRae, Yuqi y otros artistas diversos.
- 2CD
- Photobook (72 pag)
- Lyric Card (5EA)
- Photocard (8EA)
- Polaroid (5EA)
- Sticker
- Ticket
Lista de Canciones:
CD 1
- "Bad Liar (연극)" (Lyn) - 4:10
- "From Today (오늘부터)" (Vincent Blue) - 3:03
- "My All Dreams Come True (내겐 아무 소원 남아있지 않아요)" (Car, the garden) - 4:16
- "Wounds of Time (시간의 상처)" (Kim So Yeon) - 4:37
- "The Journey (The Journey)" (Kelley McRae) - 4:08
- "Title of Marry My Husband (Title of 내 남편과 결혼해줘)" (Park Sung Il) - 0:30
- "The One Only I Know (나만 알 수 있는 사람)" (Judah Earl, Jeremiah Earl) - 2:34
- "The Allowance My Father Gave (아빠가 주신 용돈)" (Judah Earl) - 3:01
- "Second Round of Life (2회차 인생)" (Kim Ji Ae) - 2:58
- "The Choices of a Second Life (이번 생의 선택)" (Jeon Se Jin) - 2:38
- "A Second Chance (두 번째 기회)" (Kim Ji Ae) - 3:38
- "I Liked You, I Did (나는 니 좋아했다고)" (Judah Earl) - 3:11
- "I Wanted to Be Your Ground (나는 땅이 되고 싶었어요)" (Park Sung Il) - 3:16
- "The Swaying Ship (흔들리는 배)" (Ryu Seung Min) - 2:49
- "The Way to Victory (이기는 법)" (Tsumugu Misugi) - 3:31
- "Given a New Chance (새로운 기회가 주어진 거야)" (Jeon Se Jin) - 2:38
- "A Swift and Lonely Demise (지독하게도 이르고 외로운)" (Kim Ji Ae) - 3:28
- "I Am a Good Person (난 좋은 사람이에요)" (Yoon Ha Bin) - 2:45
- "If Given a Second Chance (다시 한번 기회가 주어진다면)" (Kim Hyun Do) - 2:48
- "A New Path Awaits (좋은 길)" (Park Sung Il) - 2:47
- "Threads of Destiny (필연의 끈)" (Judah Earl) - 2:48
- "Joyful Connections (기쁜 인연)" (Cho Ran) - 2:51
- "I Covet All You Love (네가 좋아하는 건 나도 다 좋아)" (Im Bomi) - 2:51
- "Destiny's Pioneer (운명 개척자)" (Judah Earl) - 2:35
- "The Worst of the Worst (최악 of 최악)" (Ryu Seung Min) - 2:08
CD 2
- "The Essence of Absurdity (환장의 결정체)" (Choi Yunyoung) - 1:54
- "Uncharted Happiness (겪어 본 적 없는 행복)" (Tsumugu Misugi) - 5:46
- "Throw Your Enemy into the River (원수를 강으로 던져라)" (Judah Earl) - 3:02
- "What Must Happen Will Happen (일어날 일은 반드시 일어난다)" (Cho Ran) - 2:58
- "The Opportunity You Must Seize (반드시 잡아야 하는 기회)" (Judah Earl) - 2:40
- "The Second Lives (두 번째 사는 사람)" (Kim Dong Min) - 3:01
- "Master of Gaslighting (천부적인 가스라이팅)" (Han Jung Won) - 2:36
- "Hello, You Villains (반갑다 이 나쁜 인간들아)" (Park Hyung Jun) - 2:29
- "Turning Dark History into Glory (흑역사를 역사로)" (Cho Ran) - 2:20
- "Trashy Fate (쓰레기 같았던 운명)" (Choi Yunyoung) - 3:00
- "The Trash You Coveted (네가 탐내던 쓰레기)" (Cho Ran) - 2:47
- "How Does Romance Work? (연애, 그거 어떻게 하는 건데?)" (Ryu Seung Min) - 2:04
- "Fate, I Need to Be Stolen (운명을 도둑맞아야 해)" (Kim Dong Min) - 2:17
- "Easy Mode (이지모드)" (Cho Ran) - 2:20
- "I've Decided to Fight (나는 싸우기로 했다)" (Cho Ran) - 2:56
- "Like One Big Dysfunctional Family (가 족같이 하네)" (Kim Hyun Do) - 3:21
- "What Goes Around Comes Around (사필귀정)" (Kim Dong Min) - 3:10
- "These Crazy People! (이 미친 인간들아!)" (Kim Hyun Do) - 1:51
- "Handing Over the Reins (내어 준 도복 자락)" (Kim Dong Min) - 2:12
- "Wedding Crasher (웨딩크래셔)" (Ryu Seung Min) - 2:10
- "Transferred Misfortune (옮겨진 불행)" (Hyungbo Sim) - 3:15
- "The Man Who Wants to Be Grounded (땅이 되고 싶은 남자)" (Jeon Se Jin) - 2:16
- "The Good Person (좋은 사람)" (Cho Eun) - 2:33
- "If I Hadn't Given It My All (끝까지 가보지 않았다면)" (Judah Earl) - 1:50
- "Congratulations on Your Marriage (결혼 축하한다)" (Park Sung Il) - 2:20
- "With or Without Me (내가 있어도, 내가 없어도)" (Park Sung Il) - 1:54